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Conditional File and Folder

  1. Conditional file
  2. Conditional folder
    1. Pure conditional folder

If you read all the doc above this page, you have seen them enough. You probably already understood it because they are intuitive to read.

─ nodejs/
  ├── .babelrc__if_babel
  ├── .gitignore
  ├── index.js__if_not_babel_and_not_typescript
  ├── package.json
  └── src/
      ├── index.js__if_babel
      └── index.ts__if_typescript

Conditional file

To conditionally include a file, append

(double underscore + if + single underscore + expression)

to any file name.

You have read the condition expression. There are few restrictions when using expression inside a file name

  1. don’t use space to separate tokens, use underscore(_) to separate them.
    • this is why underscore(_) is disallowed in choice values of select prompt.
  2. don’t use &&, || and !, only use and, or and not.
  3. avoid using ( and ).
    • we have conditional folder to help on complex condition

So you don’t write __if nodejs && !babel, you write __if_nodejs_and_not_babel.

Conditional folder

You can do exactly same thing on a folder, for example, you can re-structure the nodejs/src/ folder:

─ nodejs/
  ├── src__if_babel/
  │   └── index.js
  └── src__if_typescript/
      └── index.ts

You can combine conditional folder together with conditional file.

─ nodejs/
  └── test__if_unit-test/
      └── unit__if_jest_or_jasmine/
          └── app.spec.js__if_babel

It will yield file test/unit/app.spec.js when condition unit-test && (jest || jasmine) && babel was met.

Skeleton dumberjs/new has many usage on conditional folder and file, for example the “vue” feature folder:

─ vue/
  ├── _index.html
  ├── package.json
  ├── src/
  │   ├── App.vue__if_sfc
  │   ├── index.ext
  │   └── vue-logo.png
  ├── src__if_not_sfc/
  │   ├── App.css__if_css
  │   ├── App.ext
  │   ├── App.less__if_less
  │   └── App.scss__if_sass
  ├── test/
  │   └── setup.ext
  ├── test__if_ava/
  │   └── App.spec.ext
  ├── test__if_jasmine/
  │   └── App.spec.ext
  ├── test__if_jest/
  │   └── App.spec.ext
  └── test__if_tape/
      └── App.spec.ext

One interesting fact is the src/ and src__if_not_sfc/ were merged together in final project, so are the test/ and test__if_xxx/ folders.

Pure conditional folder

You can use a pure conditional folder to group multiple files and folders, in order to avoid appending same condition to all of them. For example:

─ vue/
  ├── __if_sfc/
  │   ├── _index.html
  │   ├── package.json
  │   └── src/
  │       ├── App.vue
  │       └── index.ext
  └── __if_not_sfc/
      ├── _index.html
      ├── package.json
      └── src/
          ├── App.ext
          └── index.ext

The pure condition __if_sfc/ and __if_not_sfc/ would not generate any extra folder structure. The generated files will have _index.html, package.json and src/ in final project root folder.