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@eval is brought in because @echo is not enough. For example in a json file:

  "description": "/* @echo description */"

What if description contains some character like " which needs to escaped? @echo is not flexible to deal with such situation.

You can eval a JavaScript expression involving one or more properties from the properties hash object.

All following examples are evaluated against these properties:

var properties = {
  name: 'my-app',
  description: '"makes" is great!',
  title: '<makes>'
  author: 'CP'

Use @eval to escape a string in JavaScript/JSON

We can borrow JSON.stringify() for this task, note the result already wrapped with double-quotes.

  "name": "/* @echo name */",
  "description": /* @eval JSON.stringify(description) */

Yield result:

  "name": "my-app",
  "description": "\"makes\" is great!"

Echo project name

We used @echo name to display our project name in many examples, you might noticed we even used it inside JSON file without worrying about string escaping.

Echo project name is safe, as long as you didn’t modify the default validation for project name (default validation only allows letters, numbers, dash(-) and underscore(_) in project name).

Use @eval to escape a string in HTML

JavaScript didn’t provide any built-in function to escape string in HTML. We have to use this verbose expression.

aStr.replace(/[&<>"']/g, char => ({'&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '"': '&quot;', "'": '&#39;'})[char])
  <p><!-- @eval (title || '').replace(/[&<>"']/g, char => ({'&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '"': '&quot;', "'": '&#39;'})[char]) --></p>

Yield result:


Other usage

You can use @eval to cover more situations beyond escaping. It’s flexible but dangerous, use it rarely.

For example, you can print out current year in license file like this:

Copyright (c) /* @eval new Date().getFullYear() */ /* @echo author */

Enhance eval

“makes” doesn’t provide any API to enhance the available functions that you can use inside @eval. It’s understandable that you feel it’s too tedious to escape a string in HTML with @eval.

However, you can enhance eval without any help from “makes”, because JavaScript allows monkey-patch :-)

There is a demo for it!

npx makes makesjs/demo3-enhance-eval

This demo shows how to inject a function as Nodejs global variable in the before task (before.js).

global.escapeHTML = require('escape-html');

Note this demo skeleton has a package.json file with escape-html in the "dependencies", not "devDependencies". Because it requires that npm module at runtime.

Because before.js is loaded before preprocessing all skeleton files, this global function is then available in the @eval directive.

It’s then used in common/index.html as

<h1><!--  @eval escapeHTML(name) --></h1>
<p><!-- @eval escapeHTML(description) --></p>